Check In Information

Check-In will be Thursday from Noon-6pm and Friday 8am-Noon. You must go through the front door and security with a VALID ID before checking in with us, please do not enter through the open side door that you see artists loading in through. Once you check in and have a wristband and lanyard we will show you to your booth. Each artist may purchase ONE discounted ticket for their helper. All wristbands must be worn on your wrist at all times per the casino security. Please don’t bring booth supplies with you as there are 3 entry points and it may be easier to load in somewhere else.

The Catered artist meet and greet starts Thursday at 6 after check in, there will be tons of food and 2 drink tickets for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

ARTISTS: If ANY of your shop information has changed since last year’s convention or since submitting your application please notify us immediately. If the information on the application is incorrect this will affect when you can start tattooing. The health department will be on site from noon to 5pm Thursday to do inspections on anyone set up. The remainder of booths will be completed Friday morning.  Inspections MUST be completed before you can begin tattooing.      Per the Ohio County Health Department, NO ANIMALS, including service animals, are allowed to be in the tattooing areas.

Any children are to be accompanied by an adult at all times.  No one under the age of 21 is permitted to be on the casino gaming floor.  Each person is responsible for their wristbands.  Security will be looking for them.  Anyone under 21 will have an underage wristband and MUST be out by midnight NO EXCEPTIONS.  Being caught without this on can result in being banned from all casinos. And please don’t forget no one under 21 is permitted to stay in the hotel this year unfortunately.

Doors open at noon daily.  Artists can bring clients in early on Saturday and Sunday upon request.  Live bands will be playing nightly so please make sure to prepare for the sound checks and the performances. The convention closes to the public Friday and Saturday at midnight. However if you are running behind we will wait to lock the doors until you wrap up for the night. For contest rules and categories please refer to the events and competition page. Signups for competitions will be at the t-shirt booth this year.

In previous years we have had issues with people smoking in the tattoo areas. The entire casino floor is a designated smoking area. Please step out onto the casino floor to smoke or vape, or if you are in the discount section you can step right outside. As for smoking any cannabis products, it is completely prohibited inside of the casino. If you are caught anywhere inside the casino you  can and will be banned from all future conventions. Please go outside and a little bit aways from the door. Thank you!